Thursday, 29 March 2012


Evening all.

A quiet week for me in blog-land. Sometimes I need a break from screen-staring! So have mainly been switching my glances upwardly to all the blue skies we've been having this week. (oh - and getting sunburnt. In March! Whatever is going on here peeps?)  Lovely.
Hope you're all having a good one too.
Wherever you are x

ps. that's my new chimney there on the right you're looking at. Wow, I hear you say. (!)

Friday, 23 March 2012

Country Livin'

Evening all.
A glorious day today.

Took a trip out of town to pick up a pie. Now I know its not really pie weather, but I do like a good steak pie, and had planned an old fashioned friday teatime for me and the boys. So J and I tootled off to our local butchers and felt like we'd travelled a million miles away from home.

We spotted 27 horses.
Lots of blossom - only white today, no pink yet!
Saw no cars.
Heard nothing but birds singing.
Had a conversation about digging the earth with the butcher.
Had a cuddle with our best friend.
Marveled that it would only take 5 minutes to cross the fields and we'd be back in town. We are lucky to be so close to the countryside!

And I'll tell you what- the pie was great. Yum.

Have great weekends. x

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Bring me sunshine . . .

Ruffhouseart letterpress coasters

Thanks to Jen at little birdie, who has sent a sunshine award my way, so I can share a few more life snippets with you all...

So my favourite....
Colour is... Yellow. (but a big grey fan too, eek)

Animal... (thinking long and hard about this one..)

Non-alcohol drink...Fizzy water. (Also perfect with white wine if you remove the 'non' part of this question!)

Facebook or Twitter...Neither (sorry) Only just getting the hang of a blog!

Getting or giving presents... Giving. Particularly to my husband who opens and receives presents with the enthusiasm of a small boy. He is often seen punching the air shouting 'YES' if I have done a grand job.

Flower... Tulips.

Pattern...Its hard to choose between stripes or triangles. Depends on end use i suppose. I have many striped tops (as do my boys), but there is only ONE triangle bag.

Passion...Recently uncovered - gardening! (who'd have thought it.) It's the allotments fault.

Number...33. Am unsure why.

Anyhow, enough about me. I now pass on some sunshine awards of my own to 5 more lovely blogs..

goodnight prudence
giggles and chatter
a lovely mixed bag
the jade leaf
our designed life

check them out - some lovely pics, recipes and ideas!

This weeks' photo-a-day..

Before we (that's a giant family 'we') got ill, I got quite good at doing this one a day thing, however am now getting good at letting it slip, it seems. Anyhow, here's my catch-ups...

Nothing like a bit of comedy sunglasses wearing from the boy.

My favourite Anthropologie glass (currently being used as a toothbrush holder).
From the 'time before children' when I didn't mind paying over the odds for a toothbrush holder if it was pretty.
(Also from the time before my passport expired, the time before Anthropologie existed in the UK, and the time when I used to travel (wow!)
I've had this a while.

A corner of your home.
Lots of things I haven't seen (or touched) for years. Aren't everyone's bedside cabinet corners full of 'unthrowable away' stuff like mine??? 
Ah compilation cassettes, the good old days.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Andy knew...

weekday carnival coat rack

Poppytalk's daily email included this great image today, which rather struck a chord with me.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE books and I LOVE reading books, but I never seem to really have the time. So just looking at pictures is what I really seem to spend an awful lot of my time doing.
Oh well, not to worry. I rather like looking at pictures.

Hope you're all having a good week.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Etsy picks for a scarlet related day...

'Scarlet fever!'

















Oh no... scarlet fever...

Not quite the weekend I had anticipated unfortunately!
Despite today's glorious weather we are bundled up at home until the antibiotics kick in and we can go out and play again. After spending what seemed like a while day waiting in a hot stuffy out of hours surgery the doc confirmed T had scarlet fever, which is VERY contagious! Great.

Mr R and I both have the fever and sore throat bit, and I am so hoping that J will manage to muster up some superhuman strength and avoid it all together. Keep your fingers and toes crossed for us please, we are all knackered!

Anyway, sorry for the moan, but it's good to get it out of my system now.. and the fact that all 3 boys are now sleeping off illness it gives me a chance to have a scour around etsy to cheer my self up with some lovely 'STUFF'!

Hope you are all having a glorious day!

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Getting behind with photo-a-day....

 I took the photos I promise...but just didn't get round to posting them (honest!)

I am NOT complaining that we have a lack of 'specific' cloud in the sky today (we have a sort of sheet of high white cloud, but the type that lets the sun through fortunately), but certainly nothing worth photographing. So instead, I turn to the boys bedroom for inspiration! See handy cloud light from Ikea!
(plus Badger, keeping a watchful eye..)

All rights reserved

A sign.
Quite literally a sign. My lack of imagination evident today....

Someone you talked to today.
Well, it had to be one of the boys (since I'm not that great at asking shopkeepers/teachers/swimming pool attendants if I can take their photo.. and Mr R was not forthcoming.)
And yes, I did look like a mad woman talking to my sons shadow. Oh well.

Monday, 12 March 2012


An amazing sunny afternoon at the allotment today. I gained 6 raspberry canes and a rhubarb crown from my very generous neighbour,  partially dug over the old strawberry patch (a lesson in endurance), watched the boys play with their pals in the sunshine and chatted with fellow Monday afternoon skivers. What a day!

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Cloudy with a hint of sunshine

My top picks today on Etsy!



















Springtime Saturday

We were treated to an almost balmy spring morning, perfect for running off a bit of energy collected in our quiet week. Plenty of climbing, football, running and getting muddy. Just right for the boys.
After a hot chocolate (me) and a play on the slide (them) we stopped off at the Mossman collection for an indoor explore around all things old with wheels. (Basically.) Some great inspiration on the old trolley bus and Indian bedford van. Everyone came home happy.

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