Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Colour pop

Hello again. I had a brief *pause* there for a while...nothing exciting happening in my life...(well not worth sharing anyway!)

And sometimes there just isn't much to say.

Sometimes though, you see something that makes you think, oh! I do have something to share! It may not be very exciting, but hey it's whats happening with me this week...

So, after seeing this lovely calm, uncluttered room belonging to Brooke Holme today whilst multi-tasking (read: browsing the net looking for suitable festive gifts/washing/ironing/letting the sink overflow (with water - not washing up, *eek*)) I discovered that I seem to have a penchant for turquoise, without realising until now.
(I told you it wasn't exciting, but here follow some nice images to make up for it...)

Lovely huh? Not very festive of course, which is what I was really supposed to be looking for, but when it caught my eye I couldn't ignore it!

So I thought while I was at it I might as well share some of my other turquoise faves with you...

1. Rex Ray wall decals by Blik
2. Aquasilk rug by abc carpets
3. Antique books by modulem on etsy
4. Succulent photo by theestateofthings
5. Nightswimming painting by maechevrette on etsy
6. Jonathan Mutch graphic design

A brief respite from all things red, white and snowflake shaped.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

I'm in love...

With these gorgeous vintage indian kathkas...

 Long, long ago in the dim and distant past (well, it seems like it anyway) I used to travel fairly regularly to Delhi. Trips to India were my favourite trips of the lot. Yes we were working, but surrounded by such colour, such vibrance and such lovely people. Inspirational in many ways. Of course it would have been rude not to have picked up some lovely stuff when I was there, so I do have wardrobes overflowing with bits and pieces rather similar to these kanthas, but hey, there's always room for more - no?

The bottom on is my favourite. I've got a bit of thing for orange and slate blue together.
Also loving the way it co-ordinates with this fab print from inaluxe I spotted the other day and have added to my wish list!

What about you - what's your fave?

Kantha images found here

ps. I would really like to add that as much as I'm in love with these gorgeous pieces of cloth I am also aware how ridiculously expensive they are in comparison to an average textile workers earnings in India. My only hope is that a decent proportion of this goes back to the people that work hard to make these quilts. I'm guessing it doesn't, as that's the world we live in, but here's hoping anyway.

Source: via Jen on Pinterest

Tuesday, 13 November 2012


I am about to embark on something new.
Something I guess I'd always wanted to do at some point (but though I never would)
Something I guess I'd been waiting to do (but though I never could)

I think I'm going down the right path...only time will tell... but I am excited, so that's got to be a good start, no?

So! It's this way then!

All my a bottle, patiently wait.
Looking forward to sharing with you very soon! x

(Photos taken on our half term trip up North... The fabulous Forbidden Corner in the Yorkshire Dales, (go - it's brilliant) and the Fish for a Wish exhibition at the Baltic, Newcastle.)

Saturday, 3 November 2012

On top of the world...

It really felt like we were.

Thanks for all your pumpkin happy comments on my last post! Hope you've all had a good week. I'm still pretending to be on holiday until the boys go back to school on Tuesday... then back to the real world...! x

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