Saturday, 30 March 2013

The (Easter) Saturday Sketch... a bit of photo-editing to add some *sparkle* to our weekend!

Happy Easter everyone x

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Reading the (wall)paper

Decorating a room means I am actually 'allowed' to spend (read:waste) time browsing online homeware stores in the hope I might come across something that's absolutely perfect for said new room that I can actually afford.
Well, the latter rarely happens, but I do tend to put in my all when it comes to the actual time spent waiting for it to happen.

I found this wallpaper today, from here
I like it, it's a bit quirky.

Its £128 a roll, so like I say, I'm still waiting for the stuff I can afford to pop up, but it would be great to liven up a dull corner.
(While I write this I am just loft must be holding at least this amount of once read books so maybe I should just retrieve them from their darkness and stack them up in my dull corner..hey presto...what a saving!)


Saturday, 23 March 2013

The Saturday Sketch #3 (and more)

Hello, hello.

How easily a week flies by!
So, can you guess what we've been up to this week?

Yep, inspired by Gillian's decorated start to the year, ( and my my hopelessly un-decorated bedroom for the past 10 years) I got cracking with some bedroom wall painting and dreaming of new duvet covers, prints and accessories for our little retreat.

I always think I quite like decorating.

However, I remember now, this is not strictly true.

 What I like is when its over.

And then the dreaming of nice this, nice that and nice the other can stop being dreaming and start, well, being.

I have already taken the bold step of choosing white, yes WHITE for the walls. I'm so lame!

This is so I can nick Gillian's idea of changing colour schemes when the mood takes me and it only involves swapping a few cushions and putting up a different picture - and not spending any of that 'big-ish' money. Top tip.

Yellow is up there too, a) because it is so cheery and b) because I already have a yellow eiderdown that is waiting to be unleashed into its full glory.

And undyed linen, as my headboard and curtains are staying (a lot of open weave ikea linen fabric went into making a valance, headboard cover and curtains and I"m not ready to replace all that effort on a sewing machine)

But the big decision now is choosing the flooring.

When we moved in we stripped the floor back to the original pine floorboards, and although I still love this look, the time has come for something a bit softer under foot.

But what colour carpet goes with white walls, natural linen curtains and a yellow bedspread?

('Natural' makes me nervous, because really it's just brown, and I'd like something a bit well, nicer than just brown.)

What would you choose? Have you seen any great pics that might work?

I'm really loving these prints from inaluxe and this Isa mountain range....and I'm thinking grey might be a good option....decisions, decisions...

Well, back to the painting. Woodwork now. Then the end is in sight. Hoorah!

Happy weekends to you all


Saturday, 16 March 2013

The Saturday Sketch

I'm not sure I've ever posted 2 days in a row before, but committed as I am... here's your Saturday Sketch #2:

There's an empty wall in my bathroom, above the toilet.
I was inspired to fill it. (The wall, not the toilet.)
I'm liking this one!

Happy weekend to all, and thank you for all your lovely comments recently, they inspire me too, and are always a pleasure to read.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Writers block

It seems I am not alone in my recent brain-fug with regards to creating.

On a run-of-the-mill en masse nursery 'play-date' for Mr Jim at the local sweat-pit-that-is-a-soft-play-centre this week I discovered a fellow creative lurking within the plastic padded wall structure behind the curly-wurly slide.

She is writing a novel.

Or rather, not writing a novel -at the moment- as she awaits a flash of inspiration for 'the next bit'.

Aha, I said, I know that feeling! And I told her of my Saturday Sketch idea. I also pointed her in the direction of the lovely elephantine blog whose "Fiction Friday" might just inspire her in the same way.

We also decided that what was absolutely required was a meeting of 'creative minds' (!) at least once a week in the Waterstones cafe in town, where we would, well, drink coffee if nothing else, but hopefully inspire each other somehow too.

It was nice to meet someone new. Whose eyes lit up when I told her of quirky little ideas.

So when I came across this a-m-a-z-i-n-g typewriter on etsy yesterday, I immediately thought of her. 

Who could fail to be inspired to write if this was your preferred method?

(I know it inspires me to draw it...just look at those colours!)


ps if you don't know Rachel's blog over at elephantine then do go and take a look, as well as the fiction she makes gorgeous jewellery and has wonderful taste when it comes to pinned images.

Monday, 11 March 2013

The Saturday Sketch

Ok ok, I know its Monday, but I had a little idea on Saturday, and this is the first time I've had chance to think about it properly, or write it down.
So I have decided to keep you guys entertained, and myself creatively brimming with a little weekly challenge.
No, don't worry, you don't have to join in, (unless you want to of never know!) this is a challenge to myself, to keep the creative juices flowing, and possibly help when I'm a bit stuck for inspiration (which is currently happening).
Every week I *hope* to post a Saturday Sketch.
It can be anything, in any form, so we're not expecting miracles here, it's likely they will be in pencil, maybe pen, will doubtless involve more words than pictures, be based upon something we've done or made or how I'm feeling... and they will quite probably be messy. But hey, thats the nature of my Saturday Sketch.

First up:
And yes, we (I) made it, and it is yum. And lovely comfort food it is for this freeezin' weather today!

Hope you enjoy this little peek into my sketchbook x

Monday, 4 March 2013

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