Thursday, 20 June 2013

This week I'm mostly loving...

....this art from Clare Elsaesser.

I'm not normally a pink kinda gal, or a painting kinda gal, but the colour combinations and the mood of these really caught my eye.

I understand this kind of hiding - (behind pretty things) - it resonates with me. I have days like this.

I particularly like the 1st one, 'So Much', the stripey top appeals too.

You can see more of her work on her blog, and her etsy shop. 


Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Time flies

4 years ago today I held a brand new tiny 5lb 6 baby boy in his new home.
Today he's not quite so tiny, but he still feels brand new, every day he surprises me, makes me laugh and fills me with wonder.
I've just held his hand to help him to get off to sleep tonight. Today has been fun, and tiring.

Happy birthday little man x

Saturday, 15 June 2013

That old chestnut...

So where does the time go?

It seems a hundred years ago we went to France. It seems a hundred years ago we came back!
I can barely remember it (except a beautiful beach, happy splashes in the pool and (of course) a few choice words exchanged when following a 'diversion' in downtown Rouen).
But yes, we did have a holiday, and we did return, I just decided I would like a little bit more of doing not much at all upon our return.
In reality this meant not much ipad/mac/pen/pencil but still much cooking/cleaning/shopping/school running.
Oh well.

Today was the boys long awaited school summer fair. Promises of sunshine, bouncy castles, face painting and candy floss. Hey, 3 out of 4 ain't bad. (you guessed it, no amount of parent volunteers could help run the sunshine stall today).
So after a damp day, a large piece of chocolate fudge cake and a cuppa I found myself thinking "ooh, i wonder what's been going on in the world of pinterest?" (as you do).
And there we have it, I'm back.

I came across this Buddha quote and found it to be rather apt, so wrote it up to share with you all.

Have a happy weekend. I look forward greatly to catching up with you all.

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