So where does the time go?
It seems a hundred years ago we went to France. It seems a hundred years ago we came back!
I can barely remember it (except a beautiful beach, happy splashes in the pool and (of course) a few choice words exchanged when following a 'diversion' in downtown Rouen).
But yes, we did have a holiday, and we did return, I just decided I would like a little bit more of doing not much at all upon our return.
In reality this meant not much ipad/mac/pen/pencil but still much cooking/cleaning/shopping/school running.
Oh well.
Today was the boys long awaited school summer fair. Promises of sunshine, bouncy castles, face painting and candy floss. Hey, 3 out of 4 ain't bad. (you guessed it, no amount of parent volunteers could help run the sunshine stall today).
So after a damp day, a large piece of chocolate fudge cake and a cuppa I found myself thinking "ooh, i wonder what's been going on in the world of pinterest?" (as you do).
And there we have it, I'm back.
I came across this Buddha quote and found it to be rather apt, so wrote it up to share with you all.
Have a happy weekend. I look forward greatly to catching up with you all.