Thursday, 31 January 2013

A little time out...

...I mean, it'd be rude not to celebrate the final deliverance of some sunshine with a coffee, fruit scone, an indulgent mag and some green and yellow things....wouldn't it?

Hope your day was sunny too!


Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Market day...

 Yes, you guessed it. We bought chillis!
Watch out tastebuds.....there is a man in the house making chutney.
And not just any old chutney.
This chutney will blow your socks off.

I'm not a massive chilli lover, but with chunk of cheese (and even a crumpet - weird I know) this chernobyl chutney is delish.
The smell has been permeating through the house for a few hours now... come tomorrow I'll sneak a bit, although I guess really I'm supposed to wait for it to 'mature' a little. 

I'll let you know how it tastes tomorrow!


The recipe? Yes my man will share it.. (in man-speak)

1kg tomatoes
9 red chillis (or less for a less firey version)
2 red onions
450ml malt vinegar
2 tbsp olive oil
250g sugar

Chop it all up, throw it in a pan and boil up the lot for 4 hours (or longer if you want it really sticky). 
Five jars for two quid. Not bad. 

ps. thanks so much for your replies to my last post, very much appreciated x

Monday, 28 January 2013


I've had a grumpy weekend.

I didn't have anything to talk about, to write about, to do, even.

I couldn't put my finger on why I was feeling so rubbish and then I thought Oh yes of course it was those unthought-about, unnecessary comments I received about something I had been working on last week. The little thing I pushed to one side easily when I was busy-busy-busy reared it's ugly head the minute I had 5 minutes to enjoy the weekend.
Mr R would say Just forget about it! Don't listen! (as I no doubt would if the tables were turned) but when you feel shit about something, it's not that easy is it?

And isn't it funny (and typical) that all you can think about, despite all the happy smiley cheers of enthusiasm you've been getting along the way is the negative bit.

But those words up there are right.

To start doubting is to start losing little bits of the dream and Hey I'm not ready for that, There's more to come, I want to carry on dreaming, And creating!

It took some, but by Sunday evening 2 excited day trippers to London (the boys), sausage and mash, a finished project I'm very proud of and an Etsy order (wahey!) won the day.
And "pants" to the silly thoughtless over inflated sense of importance ego tripping woman anyway.

Well. Now I've got that out I think I'll go and demolish the massive bar of Galaxy I've just bought from Londis. x

ps. to all those lovely comments with regards to my posh breakfast last week, it VERY RARELY happens. And the good photographs were just fluke!

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

This morning...

.....I will...

Clean the bathroom,
Put a wash on,
Tidy up,
Make a shopping list,
Buy some milk,
....and loads of other mundane things I'm sure you don't want to read about...
But first....

I will eat.

Have a good Tuesday!

ps. If you haven't tried it, this fig jam really is lush.

Friday, 18 January 2013

White out!

See the sky? This is how white it outside right now... you can't see a thing!

I expect most of you guys are experiencing this too, or are prepared for it coming.....

My little love birdie adds a cheerful winter glow to the proceedings though don't you think?

So, what about you, what are your plans for the snowy weekend we have in store for us...fireside cosyness, snuggling down for a few days of eating heartily (it's essential to keep warm, you know) or rosy cheeked frolics, snowball fights and tingly fingers when you come back indoors?
A bit of both for me I think (although I may try and persuade the boys that they'll have much more fun if I just watch them from indoors!)

Have a good one.


Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Our week so far...'s only Tuesday!

Hope you're all having good weeks so far and have enjoyed getting out and about, seeing inspiring things and triumphed the weather (in whatever form it took!)

ps if you ever get the chance to go the the V&A Museum of Childhood in Bethnal Green then do. An excellent afternoon out.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

The 'not so' January Blues....

Happy 8th of January!

Random, I know, but remembering that sometimes January can be a bit of a doom and gloom month for me, I've decided to THINK POSITIVE and in this month of back to work, back to school, still cold, still dark month, to celebrate the ordinary and take each day as it comes.

As I speed-read a few blogs last night in the whirlwind that was 'getting everything ready for first day back at school' Lou's post struck a real chord with me.
As my first morning alone (!) for 3 weeks I was ready for an intense morning of getting jobs done, rushing about and ticking things off my list and feeling in uber contol and organised. (This state of mind doesn't present itself to me very often..)
Then Lou reminded me that actually, what I would really like to do the most for myself would be to sit down, have a cup of tea, s-l-o-w read some blogs, plan new prints for my little shop, and *dream* in the drunkeness of peace, quiet and solitude.

I'm dreaming of my beautiful place...ideally let it be filled with sunshine, warmth, cosyness, and a nice cup of tea (ok- once it's past 12pm I'll have a glass of red please).
Of course, once I've had my moment of getting lost I'd love to be surrounded by my boys and my wonderful friends, but for now, this is just for *me*.

How about you, where would you like to 'get lost'?

(If, like me you can only dream, then let this print inspire you!!)


Friday, 4 January 2013

A (belated) Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to All!

Rather a lot of radio silence from me over the last week or two, we've been North, South, well and (mostly) poorly, and as busy as Father Christmas.

Today, I have taken down the last of the decorations, eaten the last of the panettone, watched Ivor the Engine on repeat with my train-loving boys, and r-e-l-a-x-e-d!

It's been a funny old Christmas holidays and I look to this New Year with excitement and anticipation of what's to come. (No flu, or sickness please!!!)

So here's to more ....

wonderful blog reading
taking it easy
getting some fresh air
making soup
making stuff
growing our own
not working too hard
and drinking tea.

I could go on, but I fear I will lose you....

2013, hello.


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