Happy 8th of January!
Random, I know, but remembering that sometimes January can be a bit of a doom and gloom month for me, I've decided to THINK POSITIVE and in this month of back to work, back to school, still cold, still dark month, to celebrate the ordinary and take each day as it comes.
As I speed-read a few blogs last night in the whirlwind that was 'getting everything ready for first day back at school'
Lou's post struck a real chord with me.
As my first morning alone (!) for 3 weeks I was ready for an intense morning of getting jobs done, rushing about and ticking things off my list and feeling in uber contol and
organised. (This state of mind doesn't present itself to me very often..)
Then Lou reminded me that actually, what I would really like to do the most
for myself would be to sit down, have a cup of tea, s-l-o-w read some blogs, plan new prints for my little shop, and *dream* in the drunkeness of peace, quiet and solitude.
I'm dreaming of my beautiful place...ideally let it be filled with sunshine, warmth, cosyness, and a nice cup of tea (ok- once it's past 12pm I'll have a glass of red please).
Of course, once I've had my moment of getting lost I'd love to be surrounded by my boys and my wonderful friends, but for now, this is just for *me*.
How about you, where would you like to 'get lost'?
(If, like me you can only dream, then let this print inspire you!!)